Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In Fringe We Trust: Fringe season 3 Review

And now, I want a fucking popsicle
Oh Fringe, you're a toughie. You've taken me down through so many dark and scary paths, you constantly lead me to the brink of despair... Yet somehow, you always pull me out of the deep end before I drown.

I have grown to have faith in Fringe, and more than anything in it's writers. That really doesn't sound like me. I usually criticize writers for anything and everything they do. Every tiny little fault. But doing my worse, there just isn't much to nitpick about in this show.

Most shows need to take risks to advance, but few take leaps as large as Fringe does on a regular basis. I remember last season, where on four or five different occasions I said to myself, "They've finally done it. They fucked up and written themselves into a corner." And every single time, they would lead me away from the darkness with seemingly little effort.

With the end to season two they had dug themselves into a hole that seemed impossible. A plot involving impossible trips to a parallel universe, main characters being captured, and the rest of them being unaware. Seriously, mind boggling shit. And again, they handled it with style. In ways that seemed totally possible for the universe they've created. At a point where most shows would have it's loyal fanbase screaming "BULLSHIT!" at the screen, Fringe had us in the palm of it's hand nodding in agreement at the unimaginable crap they had just fed us.

I'd also like to point out that for a story driven show, it has the most lovable characters on TV right now. I could watch Walter Bishop ramble on about desserts for days, I totally love the character, and he single-handedly is bringing on the end of the world. Walter Bishop is just as much a destroyer of worlds as Galactus.
I like big purple hats as much as the next guy, but I relate to Walter a whole lot more.
Fringe has stayed relevant through three seasons. And without spoiling anything, season four promises to freshen it up once again. As the full-fledged geek that I am, I'll patiently wait in the deep end, because I have faith that the best writers sci-fi TV has seen in years will pull me out just in time.


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