
When I heard that Bradley Cooper (The Hangover) and Robert DeNiro were going to be starring in a Neil Burger (The Illusionist) movie, I was excited. I loved The Illusionist and was excited to see what was next for Burger. This sci-fi thriller is pretty good. Not as good as I was expecting, but it was still an entertaining movie with an entertaining premise and a couple of interesting shots. I was surprised at how little the female cast had to do. They were just sort of there to motivate Cooper's Eddie but otherwise, they are nonexistent. I did like the effects that they used whenever Eddie used the drug. There was a frenetic feel to the camera work and I felt that worked to the films advantage even though it might be a little dizzying. So, in the end, its an interesting movie that works. Check it out.
7 out of 10
7 out of 10
This movie was nominated for 10 Goya Awards, winning three of them. Then again, some movies that tend to win the festivals are sometimes over hyped. This movie was probably over hyped. It's not a bad movie, and surprisingly, its not a boring movie. It did keep me on the edge of my seat and the ending was surprising. I sort of had to remember to breathe during the last 5 minutes of the movie when Ryan Reynolds' Paul Conroy begins to break down. I have never seen anything by director Rodrigo Cortés, but I'm interested in his movies now. Now, don't get me wrong, the movie is all of those things I mentioned above, and Ryan Reynolds performance is surprisingly good... but there is something about this movie that makes me uneasy. Maybe its the premise, but I'm not sure its anything to do with the story, and more with the movie itself. For example, that scene with the snake. It seemed out of place and sort of throws the movie off in my opinion. Either way, some credit has to be given for actually being able to elicit an emotional response from those watching... unlike the next film...
6 out of 10

6 out of 10
Blue Valentine
Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams star in this bore fest of a movie directed by Derek Cianfrance. There's nothing about this movie that made me feel anything for either of these characters. They are both extremely unlikable so it was hard for me to like them at all. It tells the story of this married couple and how they began and where they eventually ended up. Nothing new or interesting about it. People get fat and bald and bitchy and they fall out of love... happens all the time. This was just an uninteresting way to see it happen. If there are any redeeming qualities to this movie, its probably the performances by both Gosling and Williams, other than that... if you can, skip this movie. There are many better movies out there to watch.
4 out of 10

4 out of 10
The Spanish Prisoner
I remember watching a David Mamet film a long time ago and thinking he was an incredible writer of dialogue. After that, I have tried to find most of the movies he has directed and some of the movies he has written a screenplay for and they all seem to have amazing dialogue. Glengarry Glen Ross is amazing and the underrated Spartan is also very good. This particular movie doesn't stray far from what has made Mamet what he is, a con movie. Campbell Scott is really good as Joe, the man who invents a "Process" that will earn his company a lot of money. He plays the mark incredibly well. You root for him all the way. Rebecca Pidgeon is also really good as the love interest, but my favorite character is the dodgy millionaire Jimmy as played by Steve Martin. It was surprising to see him in a role as this one instead of the quirky, funny guy that we are always used to. Anyways, if you like con movies with incredible dialogue, check this one out. Also, check out some of Mamet's other stuff as well.
8 out of 10

8 out of 10
Your Highness
From the makers of Pineapple Express, this movie is a fantasy comedy about two completely different princes, played by James Franco and the hilarious Danny McBride, who go on a quest to save Franco's wife to be and McBride's sense of self worth. Look, this movie is dumb. It will not win any awards or be one of those movies that you will be watching 20 years from now, but for what it is, its an entertaining, raunchy comedy that pays homage and also makes fun of the fantasy genre. Justin Theroux is hilarious as the bad wizard Leezar and Natalie Portman is just okay as Isabel. Some of the jokes are just meh, but you can't help but laugh at most of it. And that is what I rate this one on. I wish Hollywood would make more comedy films for adults instead of the PG comedies that we normally get. Also, director David Gordon Green is someone to keep an eye on. I loved 2007's Snow Angels (not at all like you'd expect) and of course 2008's Pineapple Express.
6.5 out of 10
6.5 out of 10
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