In part two, we take a look at a couple of shows I was looking forward to (one was a disappointment and the other wasn't... that much), one that took me completely by surprise and another I had absolutely no interest in watching. Try to figure out which is which before reading the recommendations.
Grimm (NBC)
Who knew? Two fairy tale based tv shows at the same time? Reminds me of when Armageddon and Deep Impact were released so close to each other and also The Prestige and The Illusionist. Grimm is a little bit darker than Once Upon A Time but it's also an interesting concept that I would like to see through. While the latter is more Disney, this one is more gritty and dark (a lot like The Grimm Brothers' fairy tales). My biggest problem with the show and the biggest flaw so far is the main character. David Giuntoli is sort of annoying and I'm not sure he can carry a show on his back. Unlike Once... which has Morrison, Goodwin and especially Robert Carlyle, this show doesn't have much star power behind it. Giuntoli seems like a lost emo from a CW (we'll get to those in the next part...) show. His partner played by Russell Hornsby is more believable. I'll be giving this one a chance, but it also has to keep up.
Recommendation: Casual Watch
Allen Gregory (Fox)
Recommendation: Unwatchable
A young boy who has been home schooled all his life, has to go to an actual school where he doesn't fit in. The show was co-created by Jonah Hill and he also voices the main character. When it comes to comedy, in any format whatsoever, I have a litmus test that must be passed. It is a simple test, but when failed, it could lead to absolute disaster. After watching or listening to whatever you are applying the test to, you ask yourself one question.
Is this funny?
Sadly, the answer for this show is a huge resounding 'no'. You know, I am a huge fan of any show that takes taboo subjects and rips them apart. Makes fun of them endlessly and without fear. South Park as always been a show like that. This show just doesn't do anything right. It tries to be risque with the taboo subject of a gay couple raising a kid and then they make these characters to be as unlikable and annoying as possible. It's sad, because it was a lost opportunity to do something right, but they failed. Every joke is like that in this show. Granted, I only watched the Pilot, but that was enough for me to not want to touch this thing with a ten foot pole.
Is this funny?
Sadly, the answer for this show is a huge resounding 'no'. You know, I am a huge fan of any show that takes taboo subjects and rips them apart. Makes fun of them endlessly and without fear. South Park as always been a show like that. This show just doesn't do anything right. It tries to be risque with the taboo subject of a gay couple raising a kid and then they make these characters to be as unlikable and annoying as possible. It's sad, because it was a lost opportunity to do something right, but they failed. Every joke is like that in this show. Granted, I only watched the Pilot, but that was enough for me to not want to touch this thing with a ten foot pole.
Recommendation: Unwatchable

Pan Am (ABC)
With the incredible success of period drama's like Mad Men, ABC decided to jump on the bandwagon and that is why Pan Am exists. It is a show about the "most glamorous way to fly" back in the 60s. Pan Am has a really great cast and it has the feel of the era like very few shows do. The women are beautiful, and the vistas are varied and interesting. What is wrong with this show though? After watching a couple of episodes, I wonder where it is exactly that the drama will be coming from. I know there is a subplot with spies and the Cold War, but I just don't think that much happens during the episodes I watched. I'm hoping that they can settle that down just a bit and give me a story instead of just different side stories that don't really matter in the big picture. The show does have some potential to be great.
Recommendation: Casual Watch
Revenge (ABC)
Remember when I said that there was a show that took me completely by surprise? This is it, believe it or not. Now, before you look at the picture and read the blurb for the show (both of which were making me think this would be terrible), you have to understand that I have a weird fascination and love for movies, books and shows based on revenge. Revenge is as old as we can remember and it has been used by some of the greats and to fantastic and different results. From Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo and Poe's The Cask of the Amontillado, to the Greek myths, to the Vengeance Trilogy by Korean film maker Chan-wook Park are just a simple taste of how some people have viewed the concept. This show is a modern retelling of Dumas' classic. Maybe not a retelling but certainly inspired greatly by it. Starring as the lead character is Emily Thorne, played masterfully by Emily VanCamp. The setting is the treacherous land of the Hamptons. Watch as Emily slowly but surely begins to pick off the people who got her father thrown in jail. Give this show a watch. If you don't like it from the get go, then you only wasted 42 minutes of your life.
Recommendation: Definite Watch
Man Up! (ABC)
You want to see on television how some people view cliched men? Watch this series. Three best friends have to deal with their wives, ex-wives and lack of wives while at the same time showing the world that there are still manly men out there. The premise is stupid and the show is mostly stupid, but so far, I have found it somewhat enjoyable. I have to say, I absolutely hate Dan Fogler... his character is just so annoying and loud and stupid that I can't really stand him. Mather Zickel and Christopher Moynihan round up the trio and they mostly do a pretty good job. Kenny's ex-wife (who is also Zickel's sister-in-law) is dating Grant (played by Henry Simmons) who is this tall, elegant, nice man who doesn't watch Star Wars and stuff like that. I like his character and especially how deadpan he plays him. Also, I like how Teri Polo (Zickel's wife) is the calming force to all the testosterone the show has. Now, don't get me wrong. This isn't great. It's just watchable.
Recommendation: Casual Watch

Charlie's Angels (ABC)
I left the worse out of all the shows for last. Now, let me get out of the way that I'm not a fan of the original Charlie's Angels. I don't have anything emotionally invested with the original series. With that out of the way... this show is a sad excuse for a TV show. This is how the show was conceived... Take three actresses/models from a hat, get them skimpy clothes, give them generic backgrounds, create incredibly badass villains who physically can't kill women, have the lamest dialogue written down on napkins, and just put it all together and shake with an umbrella on top. The acting is seriously lacking and while the women are certainly beautiful, everything else just fall flat. There are many great shows out there that you can probably live without watching this dross.
Recommendation: Unwatchable - Cancelled
Recommendation: Unwatchable - Cancelled
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